Selasa, 21 Oktober 2008

History of Indonesia an First Recipe

Indonesia is noted for state of mace - its the mace because Indonesia is fertile state. Indonesia have ever been colonized by its the natural resources. 350 years colonized by Dutch, 3,5 years by Japan.

But blessing of obstinacy of the our combatants are Indonesia now has independenced, in consequence in this blog I will study about Indonesia natural resources and multifarious of the cookery in Indonesia starts from finite area cookery of famous have been cookery.

and this first recipe which I load would this is cookery that is very I like

Oseng - oseng Kangkung
  • 1 garlic fang
  • 2 item shallot
  • ½ small prawn kg
  • 6-10 item quill egg braises
  • 3-5 ties Kangkung
  • Salt sufficiently
  • Briny ketchup sufficiently
  • Water sufficiently
  • 3 sdm vegetable oil for menumis
way of making

  1. Decanted vegetable oil to frying then heats.
  2. Tumis shallot and white until its(the colour chocolate.
  3. Enters prawn, oseng-oseng until matured prawn.
  4. Enters kangkung and quill egg, then entered salt, saline ketchup, and water.
  5. Frying cover of approximately 5 minute or until kangkung becomes wilting.
  6. Lifts and ready to be served.
for 4-5 portions

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