Selasa, 21 Oktober 2008

Buntil Cassava Leaf

This was cookery or introduction dish Buntil Daun Singkong but forgiveness some of material there's only in Indonesia, like: Tempe, Petai Cina/Biji Lamtoro.
so if wish to try this cookery please pay a visit to Indonesia

the recipe is

  • 200 gr tempe, take bath with matured water, smears 1 sdt salt, banana leaf bale, lets semalaman
  • 250 gr leaf young cassava, dyes water to boil, leak
  • 1/2 item young coconut, scar
  • 150 gr petai cina/biji lamtoro
  • salt and demerara

Material is refined:
  • 6 shallot fang
  • 5 garlic fang
  • 5 fruit of red chilli
  • 1 sdt coriander sangrai
  • 1/2 sdt koempheria galanga chops up
  • 1 sdm alpine galanga chops up

Coconut mink flavour ( mix grown into one):
  • 500 cc coconut mink from 1 item coconut
  • 2 greeting leaf sheet
  • 1 cm alpine galanga, contuses
  • 5 fruit of red chilli, refined with 5 shallot fang and 1 sdt coriander sangrai
  • 1 sdt salt

Way Of Making:
  1. Tempe boxed to be harsh, mixes with smooth flavour and all other material
  2. For cassava leaf becomes 5 part. Every part in arranging above talenan, in such a manner finite meeting
  3. Smooths down 1-2 sdm mixture tempe, closed again with cassava leaf then mixture tempe, rolled folded, greeting leaf berry, bale with banana leaf. Steam ± 1 hour(clock until matured, makes cool
  4. Enters matured buntil to coconut mink is having flavour, ripe ± 30 minutes with small fire
for 5-6 portion

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