Minggu, 26 Oktober 2008

Terong Bakar Saus Tomat

After we know various types terong, now we will try to process it, first recipe which we create would be Terong Bakar Saus Tomat


Ø terong pocket edition purple of 1 fruit, crosscut become 3 part,

Ø nutrition margarine 3 tablespoon

Tomato Sauce

Ø saus ready made tomato or buys 2 tablespoon.

Ø vegetable tomato 1 fruit, splits, its(the seed exhaust, chops up smooth.

Ø sand sugar sufficiently

Ø salt sufficiently

Ø greeting leaf 1 sheet

Ø shallot 3 item, chops up is smooth

Ø garlic 2 fang chops up is smooth

Ø leek 1/4 fruits chops up is smooth

Ø nutrition margarine 3 tablespoon

Ø water 100 ml

Way Of Making:

1. heats gridiron, olesi with margarine, matured finite terong bakeout. lifts

2. saus tomato : heats margarine to fry greeting leaf, garlic, shallot, and leek so fragrance.

3. enters saus tomato, tomato chops up and sugar berry water, galam and merica, ripe so frond. lifts.

presents terong burning with saus tomato.

Terong (Solanum Melongena L)

Tells if terong ( Solanum Melongena L) makes body to become weakens. This myth must be eroded pot is clean, fact exactly on the contrary. Terong exactly jacks up enthusiasm in man sexual because its(the aphrodisiac effect. Scientific research had other fact, terong can prevent cancer, rich of fibre, contains vitamin ( A, B & C) and other important mineral. Various disease like pile, rheumatism, coughs, skin disease, even syphilis also able to be healed with vegetable " inscrutable" this.

Terong Forefinger

People calls it terong forefinger because its form of course alike the index finger. Its the colour is green and not too big. Compatible of in processing becomes as of nut, balado or dipecak terong.

Terong Purple Paddybird

Some people calls it terong fresh vegetable because usually in eating is raw as lalapan. Likely not bitter. Its form integer equal to dib and purple.

White Paddybird

Form and level equal to purple paddybird. Its the difference lays in green skin colour with white tint at fruit tip. Compatible as lalapan or in processing to become threatened and karedok.

Terong Copeck

There is two types terong copeck, having colour green and Ungu. this Terong at most consumed public as component of vegetable lodeh, in as of nut or made balado.

Terong Japan

Many applied Japan public as component of making tempura vegetable. Its form looking like terong copeck but with colour is rather dark (purple stripper) and smaller.

Tekokak & Leunca

Tekokak(Solanum torvum)&leunca ( solanum nigrum), both is including family terong but its form mini. Public sunda consumes it as fresh vegetable, cooked with oncom/taoco or as mixture botok.

White Terong

Terong new comer which has not many in marketings. Its form approximately equal with terong Japan but is rather bigger. White skin colour of cleanness, very delicious of in processing as tumisan, filled flesh or pasta processing mixture.

Terong Belanda

Terong Belanda(Cyphomandra betacea) more consumed as fruit, either in eating fresh, made syrup or in juice. Its form oval equal to egg. At the time young its the colour is yellow and along with matured of fruit, skin fruit of turning into purple. This terong the taste is acid refreshs.

Tumis Udang Kembang Turi

Flower Turi ( interest turi) be alife interest or planted in lowland area, this interest has to on unique an that is edible. but must in processing in correctness, because this turi flower the taste is bitter. this turi flower can be made cookery any kind of like recipe which I would present is the existing that is “Tumis Udang Kembang Turi”

Originally prepares material

Ø interest turi 100 grams, its(the interest pistil exhaust and corolla is in consequence making interest turi felt bitter.

Ø prawn 100 grams, strip and cuts its(the back.

Ø shallot 4 item, thin cut.

Ø garlic 2 fang, thin cut

Ø red chilli of 1 fruit, crosscut manipulateed

Ø salt sufficiently

Ø sand sugar 1/2 teaspoons

Ø water 100 ml

Ø cooking oil 2 tablespoon

way of making

1. heats oil, fries shallot, red garlic and chilli so fragrance.

2. enters prawn, salt and sand sugar. finite ripe of prawn turns colour.

3. adds interest turi and water, scrambled so plane. matured finite ripe.

4. lifts and presents.

for 2 portion

what simpel and easy isn't it to make it, please try

Kamis, 23 Oktober 2008

Tempe Bacem

After in posting before all we have made tempe x'self now it's the moment we make Tempe Bacem, with material and way of making as follows :

  • 250 grams tempe, cut measure 5x6cm
  • 2 greeting leaf sheet
  • 1 alpine galanga cut is contused
  • 500 cc air/air coconut
  • 50 cc cooking oil

Flavour refined:
  • 1 sdt coriander
  • 5 item shallot
  • 2 garlic fang
  • 1 sdt salt
  • ½ sour sdt
  • 1 sdm demerara

Way Of Making:
  • Packs into pan, coconut water, greeting leaf, alpine galanga and flavour refined. Scrambled until flat-compounded.
  • Enters tempeyang have been in cutting to pieces.
  • Braises until pot is clean water and knew matured tempe.
  • Heats cooking oil in frying.
  • Fries soybean cake and tempe while in shuffling through until having colour chocolate, but doesn't too drought.
  • Lifts and served
for 5-6 portion

Makes Tempe

Tempe is food made of by soybean fermentation applies mould rhizopus (" yeast tempe"). Besides, there is also similar food tempe which is not is soy barium that is also is called as tempe.

Mould growing at complex compounds hydrolysis soy become simple compound which is easy digested by man. rich Tempe fibre would, calcium, vitamin B and ferrum. Obstetrical assorted in tempe has drug value, like antibiotika to heal degenerative infection and disease inhibitor antioxidant.

In general, tempe is having colour is white because growth of miselia mushroom connecting soy wedge so that is formed compact texture. degradation of Soy components at fermentation of making of tempe makes tempe to have typical taste. Differs from soybean cake, tempe felt rather acid.

Tempe many consumed in Indonesia, but now world has. Especially the vegetarian in the world a lot has found tempe in the place of flesh.

Material of Making Tempe :
  • soy for tempe
  • yeast
  • plastic or banana leaf to wrap
Way of Making Tempe
  1. Soy seed which has in selecting or in cleanness isn't it from dirt, washed clean during 1 hour(clock.
  2. After cleanness, soy braised in water during 2 hour(clock.
  3. Soy then is soaked 12 hours in hot water or warmness ex- poaching water so that flower soy.
  4. The next, soy soaked in cool water during 12 hours.
  5. After 24 hours is soaked like at item 3 and item above 4, soy cleaned and skined ( pared).
  6. After pared, soy braised to kill bacterium which possibility grows during soaking.
  7. Soy taken away from boiler, put down above tampah and smoothed down to be thin. Hereinafter, soy let to be cool until surface of dry soy chipping and its(the water dropping pot is clean.
  8. Thereafter, soy mixed with laru ( yeast 2%) usage mempercepat/merangsang mushroom growth. Processed mingles soy with yeast to eat time around 20 minutes. Fermentation phase ( fermentation) be determinant phase success of in making tempe soy.
  9. If(when fermentation material mixture of soy have been flattening, the mixture printed at brass or wood printing;mould with plastic layer or leaf that is finally used as packer. Before all, plastic in piercing or in punctures. Its(the intention is to give air so that white having colour growing mushroom. Processed percetakan/pembungkus to eat time 3 hour(clock. Usual leaf made packer is banana leaf or teak;core leaf. Something haves a notion that taste tempe wrapped by plastic to become " odd" and tempe easier to decay ( compared to tempe wrapped by leaf).
  10. Soy mixture which has been printed and smoothed down its(the surface is carpeted above rack and then is closed during 24 hours.
  11. After 24 hours, cover opened and soy mixture in cool isn't it or in winds isn't it during 24 hours again. Then, soy mixture has become tempe ready for cooked.

tempe thus
after we completed making tempe in the next postingan of we will make cookery "Tempe Bacem"

Selasa, 21 Oktober 2008

Buntil Cassava Leaf

This was cookery or introduction dish Buntil Daun Singkong but forgiveness some of material there's only in Indonesia, like: Tempe, Petai Cina/Biji Lamtoro.
so if wish to try this cookery please pay a visit to Indonesia

the recipe is

  • 200 gr tempe, take bath with matured water, smears 1 sdt salt, banana leaf bale, lets semalaman
  • 250 gr leaf young cassava, dyes water to boil, leak
  • 1/2 item young coconut, scar
  • 150 gr petai cina/biji lamtoro
  • salt and demerara

Material is refined:
  • 6 shallot fang
  • 5 garlic fang
  • 5 fruit of red chilli
  • 1 sdt coriander sangrai
  • 1/2 sdt koempheria galanga chops up
  • 1 sdm alpine galanga chops up

Coconut mink flavour ( mix grown into one):
  • 500 cc coconut mink from 1 item coconut
  • 2 greeting leaf sheet
  • 1 cm alpine galanga, contuses
  • 5 fruit of red chilli, refined with 5 shallot fang and 1 sdt coriander sangrai
  • 1 sdt salt

Way Of Making:
  1. Tempe boxed to be harsh, mixes with smooth flavour and all other material
  2. For cassava leaf becomes 5 part. Every part in arranging above talenan, in such a manner finite meeting
  3. Smooths down 1-2 sdm mixture tempe, closed again with cassava leaf then mixture tempe, rolled folded, greeting leaf berry, bale with banana leaf. Steam ± 1 hour(clock until matured, makes cool
  4. Enters matured buntil to coconut mink is having flavour, ripe ± 30 minutes with small fire
for 5-6 portion


Rawon or rice rawon ( because always is presented with rice) be menu in the form of fleshy soup with typical flavour because containing kluwek. Rawon, though is known as cookery typical of East Java, recognized also by Central Java public eastside ( area Surakarta).

Flesh for rawon generally is beef sawed up. Its(the soup flavour is very typical of Indonesia, that is shallot mixture, garlic, alpine galanga ( galingale), coriander, serai, kunir, paprika, kluwek, salt, and vegetable oil. All this material ( except serai and alpine galanga) refined, then ditumis until fragrance. This flavour mixture then is packed into fleshy decoction broth together with flesh. Dark colour typical of rawon comes from kluwek.

Rawon is presented with rice, equiped with small bean sprouts, onion leaf, crisply, and sambal.

Recipe for Rawon

  • 300 beef grams which rather fatty
  • 100 short bean sprouts grams, washed out
  • 2 greeting leaf sheet
  • 4 orange leaf sheet
  • 1 bar serai, contused
  • 2 cm lengkuas/laos, contused
  • Salt and merica sufficiently
  • 6 water glass

Flavour refined:
  • 4 item shallot
  • 2 garlic fang
  • 4 item walnut
  • 3 fruit of kluwek, taken its contents
  • 2 fruit of red chilli

Way Of Making:
  1. Small boxs cut of beef.
  2. Heats 2 sdm cooking oil, tumis flavour refined until fragrance with serai, alpine galanga, greeting leaf and orange leaf. Adds salt and merica sufficiently.
  3. Then, in pan which have been filled 6 water glass, enters steak and flavour refined, braises until soft and matured beef. If water run dry, added again according to appetite.
  4. Serves by spreading short bean sprouts to it and decorative with orange leaf.

For 3-4 Portion

History of Indonesia an First Recipe

Indonesia is noted for state of mace - its the mace because Indonesia is fertile state. Indonesia have ever been colonized by its the natural resources. 350 years colonized by Dutch, 3,5 years by Japan.

But blessing of obstinacy of the our combatants are Indonesia now has independenced, in consequence in this blog I will study about Indonesia natural resources and multifarious of the cookery in Indonesia starts from finite area cookery of famous have been cookery.

and this first recipe which I load would this is cookery that is very I like

Oseng - oseng Kangkung
  • 1 garlic fang
  • 2 item shallot
  • ½ small prawn kg
  • 6-10 item quill egg braises
  • 3-5 ties Kangkung
  • Salt sufficiently
  • Briny ketchup sufficiently
  • Water sufficiently
  • 3 sdm vegetable oil for menumis
way of making

  1. Decanted vegetable oil to frying then heats.
  2. Tumis shallot and white until its(the colour chocolate.
  3. Enters prawn, oseng-oseng until matured prawn.
  4. Enters kangkung and quill egg, then entered salt, saline ketchup, and water.
  5. Frying cover of approximately 5 minute or until kangkung becomes wilting.
  6. Lifts and ready to be served.
for 4-5 portions